XBUP - Extensible Binary Universal Protocol


List of finished or considered features.

GREEN - Feature implemented / working to some degree in current development version
ORANGE - Work on feature started / partial or testing implementation underway

Basic library
 •  Block HandlingDONE
 •  Object Model Parser
   •  Level 0PART
   •  Level 1PART
 •  Pull Parser
   •  Level 0PART
   •  Level 1PART
 •  Event Parser
   •  Level 0PART
   •  Level 1PART
 •  Hybrid Parser
   •  Level 0
   •  Level 1
 •  Editor Application
   •  Tree viewPART
   •  Binary viewPART
   •  Text viewPART
   •  Undo/redoPART
   •  Support for drag&drop
   •  Transformations
   •  Custom viewers/editors
 •  Manager Application
   •  Execution node connectionPART
   •  Catalog editationPART
   •  Service management
Help pages and documentation
 •  RFC specificationPART