XBMBase |
Interface for modifiable catalog base.
XBMBlockCons |
Interface for type block consist entity.
XBMBlockJoin |
Interface for type block join entity.
XBMBlockListCons |
Interface for potentionally infinite type list of block consist entity.
XBMBlockListJoin |
Interface for finite type list of block join entity.
XBMBlockRev |
Interface for revision of block specification entity.
XBMBlockSpec |
Interface block specification entity.
XBMConsDef |
Interface for consist of binding entity.
XBMExtension |
Interface for extensions - used for catalog extensions.
XBMFormatCons |
Interface for format consist entity.
XBMFormatJoin |
Interface for format join entity.
XBMFormatRev |
Interface for format revision entity.
XBMFormatSpec |
Interface for format specification entity.
XBMGroupCons |
Interface for group consist entity.
XBMGroupJoin |
Interface for group join entity.
XBMGroupRev |
Interface for group revision entity.
XBMGroupSpec |
Interface for group specification entity.
XBMItem |
Interface for catalog item entity.
XBMItemLimi |
Interface for item limitation entity.
XBMJoinDef |
Interface for join definition entity.
XBMLimitSpec |
Interface for specification limitation entity.
XBMNode |
Interface for catalog node entity.
XBMNodeTree |
Interface for catalog node tree entity.
XBMRev |
Interface for catalog revision entity.
XBMRoot |
Interface for catalog root node entity.
XBMSpec |
Interface for catalog specification entity.
XBMSpecDef |
Interface for catalog specification definition entity.
XBMTran |
Interface for catalog item transformation entity.
XBMXBlockUi |
Interface for UI editor catalog entity.
XBMXDesc |
Interface for catalog item description entity.
XBMXFile |
Interface for catalog item assesory file entity.
Interface for catalog item HTML documentation entity.
XBMXIcon |
Interface for catalog item icon entity.
XBMXIconMode |
Interface for catalog icon mode entity.
XBMXItemInfo |
Interface for item information entity.
XBMXLanguage |
Interface for catalog language entity.
XBMXName |
Interface for catalog item name entity.
XBMXPlugin |
Interface for catalog plugin entity.
XBMXPlugUi |
Interface for catalog plugin editor entity.
XBMXPlugUiType |
Interface for catalog plugin UI type entity.
XBMXStri |
Interface for catalog item string identification entity.
XBMXUser |
Interface for catalog user entity.
XBMXUserInfo |
Interface for catalog user information entity.