All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description CatalogItemType Catalog Specification Item Type.DatabaseUtils Database utilities.ItemFile Catalog item file information record.ItemInfo Catalog item information record.ItemPlugin Catalog plugin information record.ItemRevision Catalog item revision information record.RevisionPath Path to revision structure.RevisionPlug Path to revision plugin.XBAECatalog Basic level 2 catalog class using Java persistence.XBCatalogServiceUpdateHandler Catalog service update handler.XBCatalogXb XB Catalog import and export to XB.XBCatalogYaml XB Catalog import and export to yaml.XBEBlockCons Block consist database entity.XBEBlockJoin Block join database entity.XBEBlockListCons Block list consist database entity.XBEBlockListJoin Block list join database entity.XBEBlockRev Block revision database entity.XBEBlockSpec Block specification entity.XBECatalog Basic level 1 catalog class using Java persistence.XBEConsDef Consist database entity.XBEDefaultCatalogManager<T extends org.exbin.xbup.core.catalog.base.XBCBase> Default manager for catalog items.XBEDefaultManager<T extends org.exbin.xbup.core.catalog.base.XBCBase> Default manager for entity items.XBEDefaultService<T extends org.exbin.xbup.core.catalog.base.XBCBase> Default service for catalog items.XBEFormatCons Format consist database entity.XBEFormatJoin Format join database entity.XBEFormatRev Format revision database entity.XBEFormatSpec Format specification database entity.XBEGroupCons Group consist database entity.XBEGroupJoin Group join database entity.XBEGroupRev Group revision database entity.XBEGroupSpec Group specification database entity.XBEItem Shared entity for various catalog items.XBEItemLimi Item limitations database entity.XBEItemManager XBUP catalog item manager.XBEItemService Interface for XBEItem items service.XBEJoinDef Join database database entity.XBELimiManager XBUP catalog limitation manager.XBELimiService Interface for XBEItemLimi items service.XBELimitSpec Limitation database entity.XBENode Node database entity.XBENodeManager XBUP catalog node manager.XBENodeService Interface for XBENode items service.XBENodeTree Node tree database entity.XBERev Revision database entity.XBERevManager XBUP catalog specification revision manager.XBERevService Interface for XBERev items service.XBERoot Root node database entity.XBERootManager XBUP catalog root manager.XBERootService Interface for XBERoot items service.XBESpec Specification database entity.XBESpecDef Specification definition database entity.XBESpecManager XBUP catalog specification manager.XBESpecService Entity class for XBESpec items service.XBETran Transformations database entity.XBETranManager XBUP catalog transformation manager.XBETranService Interface for XBETran items service.XBEXBlockUi UI editor database entity.XBEXDesc Item description database entity.XBEXDescManager XBUP catalog description manager.XBEXDescService Interface for XBEXDesc items service.XBEXFile Item assesory file database entity.XBEXFileManager XBUP catalog accessory files manager.XBEXFileService Interface for XBEXFile items service.XBEXHDoc Item HTML documentation database entity.XBEXHDocManager XBUP catalog HTML documentation manager.XBEXHDocService Interface for XBEXHDoc items service.XBEXIcon Item icon database entity.XBEXIconManager XBUP catalog icon manager.XBEXIconMode Item Icon mode database entity.XBEXIconService Interface for XBEXIcon items service.XBEXInfoManager XBUP catalog infomation manager.XBEXInfoService Interface forXBEXItemInfoo items service.XBEXItemInfo Item information database entity.XBEXLangManager XBUP catalog language manager.XBEXLangService Interface for XBEXLanguage items service.XBEXLanguage Language database entity.XBEXName Item name database entity.XBEXNameManager XBUP catalog item name manager.XBEXNameService Interface for XBEXName items service.XBEXPlugin Plugin database entity.XBEXPlugManager XBUP catalog plugin manager.XBEXPlugService Interface for XBEXPlugin items service.XBEXPlugUi UI editor database entity.XBEXPlugUiType UI type database entity.XBEXStri Item string identification keys database entity.XBEXStriManager XBUP catalog string ID manager.XBEXStriService Interface for XBEXStri items service.XBEXUiManager XBUP catalog UI editors manager.XBEXUiService Interface for XBEXBlockUi items service.XBEXUser User database entity.XBEXUserInfo User information database entity.XBEXUserManager XBUP catalog limitation manager.XBEXUserService Interface for XBEXUser items service.XBMBase Interface for modifiable catalog base.XBMBlockCons Interface for type block consist entity.XBMBlockJoin Interface for type block join entity.XBMBlockListCons Interface for potentionally infinite type list of block consist entity.XBMBlockListJoin Interface for finite type list of block join entity.XBMBlockRev Interface for revision of block specification entity.XBMBlockSpec Interface block specification entity.XBMConsDef Interface for consist of binding entity.XBMExtension Interface for extensions - used for catalog extensions.XBMFormatCons Interface for format consist entity.XBMFormatJoin Interface for format join entity.XBMFormatRev Interface for format revision entity.XBMFormatSpec Interface for format specification entity.XBMGroupCons Interface for group consist entity.XBMGroupJoin Interface for group join entity.XBMGroupRev Interface for group revision entity.XBMGroupSpec Interface for group specification entity.XBMItem Interface for catalog item entity.XBMItemLimi Interface for item limitation entity.XBMJoinDef Interface for join definition entity.XBMLimitSpec Interface for specification limitation entity.XBMNode Interface for catalog node entity.XBMNodeTree Interface for catalog node tree entity.XBMRev Interface for catalog revision entity.XBMRoot Interface for catalog root node entity.XBMSpec Interface for catalog specification entity.XBMSpecDef Interface for catalog specification definition entity.XBMTran Interface for catalog item transformation entity.XBMXBlockUi Interface for UI editor catalog entity.XBMXDesc Interface for catalog item description entity.XBMXFile Interface for catalog item assesory file entity.XBMXHDoc Interface for catalog item HTML documentation entity.XBMXIcon Interface for catalog item icon entity.XBMXIconMode Interface for catalog icon mode entity.XBMXItemInfo Interface for item information entity.XBMXLanguage Interface for catalog language entity.XBMXName Interface for catalog item name entity.XBMXPlugin Interface for catalog plugin entity.XBMXPlugUi Interface for catalog plugin editor entity.XBMXPlugUiType Interface for catalog plugin UI type entity.XBMXStri Interface for catalog item string identification entity.XBMXUser Interface for catalog user entity.XBMXUserInfo Interface for catalog user information entity.